
Affiliates Program

About the Affiliates Program | Affiliates are those that share a common madness or I partner with on their madness. To the most part, this is in supporting website projects of those that want to get their ideas out.

Affiliates Program
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Affiliates Program

About the Affiliates Program

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-01-09
Affiliates are those that share a common madness or I partner with on their madness. To the most part, this is in supporting website projects of those that want to get their ideas out.

In the early morning hours I wake up with new ideas. And while these ideas are fresh in my my mind, I start updating the code. Usually it is for the better and some times it is a fail.

Here you will find a few of our affiliates and their projects. Be sure to check them out.

Contact me if you would like to like information on becoming an affiliate.

Orville Mulligan:Sports Writer @ orvillemulligan.com

In the bustling newsroom of the Pittsburgh Guardian, amidst the clatter of typewriters and the crackle of telegraph wires, a legend waits to be written. This is the story of Orville Mulligan, a sportswriter with a nose for a scoop and a knack for getting under the skin of even the most seasoned athletes. Join us as we delve into the exhilarating world of 1920s sports journalism, where Orville navigates the smoke-filled locker rooms, the tranquil back alleys, and the roaring grandstands in pursuit of the truth.
Affiliates Program:About, Orville Mulligan

His typewriter is his weapon, his words his bullets. Orville doesn't just report the news; he exposes it, unearthing scandals, chasing down leads, and championing the underdog with a wit as sharp as his fedora brim. But his relentless pursuit of the truth often puts him at odds with influential figures, from crooked team owners to shady gamblers, all with secrets they desperately want to keep buried.

Prepare to be swept away by the crowd's roar, the chase's adrenaline rush, and the poignant beauty of second chances. Orville Mulligan is a character you will remember, a testament to the power of the written word and the unwavering spirit of the underdog. So, grab your press pass, tune in, and get ready to experience the golden age of sports journalism, where every game is a story waiting to be told.

"Orville Mulligan:Sports Writer @ orvillemulligan.com"

YesterYear Hub

YesterYear Hub is a work in process to collect the stories that tell North American History and how it shaped the modern era we live in.
Affiliates Program:About, YesterYear Hub

A collection of the projects of Darin Hayes, a Hub of sorts that centers on the work he is doing. Please click on the logos below to take you to the respective sites.

"YesterYear Hub"

Jersey Dispatch

Perhaps the most identifiable item of an athlete to the public is their clothes while performing at epic levels in their respective sport. Our aim is to capture the essence and tell the history. The Sports Jersey Dispatch – where history threads the game together.
Affiliates Program:About, Jersey Dispatch

The Sports Jersey Dispatch aims to furnish the history by the uniforms, jerseys & sweaters of top North American Team Sports players.

So, come explore the vibrant tapestry of sports history, one stitch at a time. At Sports Jersey Dispatch, we believe every jersey carries a story, and we're dedicated to unearthing and celebrating them all. Lace up your passion, grab your favorite game day gear, and let's embark on this unique journey together!

"Jersey Dispatch"

Pigskin Dispatch

Pigskin Dispatch is our contribution to preserving American Football History on a daily basis. From the humble beginnings in Greek and Roman Empire times all the way to the modern-day super stadiums, we love the game of football and its gridiron legends.
Affiliates Program:About, Pigskin Dispatch

Pigskin Dispatch is a website that is dedicated to preserving the history of American Football. The project honors the famous people, legendary teams, and memorable events that make the Gridiron special through various methods of delivery, such as podcasts, videos, and the written word.

PD covers the game from multiple angles including players, innovators, teams, games, and more that envelope the spirit of the Gridiron to help spread its history, passion and enjoyment.

"Pigskin Dispatch"

About "About the Affiliates Program" 🡃
Category:Affiliates Program
Affiliates Program:About, Jersey Dispatch, Orville Mulligan, Pigskin Dispatch, YesterYear Hub
#AffiliatesProgram #JerseyDispatch #OrvilleMulligan #PigskinDispatch #YesterYearHub

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