

3.7.2 Provide controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct system maintenance | NIST 800-171 rule 3.7.2 helps secure systems by controlling maintenance tools, personnel, and methods. This reduces the risk of malicious code infecting systems during repairs. Organizations can choose specific controls, such as authorizing personnel and monitoring tool usage. Implementing these controls improves system security and holds maintenance staff accountable for following safe practices.

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3.7.2 Provide controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct system maintenance

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 rule 3.7.2 helps secure systems by controlling maintenance tools, personnel, and methods. This reduces the risk of malicious code infecting systems during repairs. Organizations can choose specific controls, such as authorizing personnel and monitoring tool usage. Implementing these controls improves system security and holds maintenance staff accountable for following safe practices.

This requirement addresses security-related issues with maintenance tools that are not within the organizational system boundaries that process, store, or transmit CUI, but are used specifically for diagnostic and repair actions on those systems. Organizations have flexibility in determining the controls in place for maintenance tools, but can include approving, controlling, and monitoring the use of such tools. Maintenance tools are potential vehicles for transporting malicious code, either intentionally or unintentionally, into a facility and into organizational systems. Maintenance tools can include hardware, software, and firmware items, for example, hardware and software diagnostic test equipment and hardware and software packet sniffers.


Reduced Risk of Malware: Maintenance tools can be a hidden entry point for malicious code. Controls like authorized tools and malware scans mitigate this risk.

Improved System Stability: Standardized techniques and mechanisms ensure consistent maintenance practices, minimizing accidental disruptions.

Enhanced Accountability: Defined roles and access for personnel conducting maintenance prevent unauthorized modifications.


Senior Management: Sets the security tone, allocating resources and approving maintenance plans. They ensure the IT security team and system owners have the necessary tools and training to implement secure maintenance practices.

IT Security Team: Develops and implements security policies for maintenance activities. This includes approving authorized tools, techniques, and personnel for system maintenance. They also monitor and audit maintenance activities to identify and address potential security risks.

System Owners: Are responsible for defining secure maintenance procedures for their assigned systems. This includes working with the IT security team to identify and document approved tools and personnel for maintenance. They also ensure system configurations are not inadvertently modified during maintenance.

Individual Users: While not directly performing maintenance, users with access to systems play a role. They should report suspicious activity or unauthorized attempts to access or modify systems during maintenance windows.


Develop a Catalog: Identify all tools, techniques, and mechanisms used for maintenance.

Authorize Access: Establish a process for approving personnel and defining their access rights for maintenance activities.

Monitor and Audit: Regularly review maintenance logs and system configurations to identify anomalies and ensure controls are effective.

Secure Third-Party Vendors: If external companies perform maintenance, implement controls to ensure they adhere to your security protocols.

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About "3.7.2 Provide controls on...nance" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Maintenance (AC 3.7)
Type:Basic Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #BasicSecurityRequirements

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