

3.12.2 Develop and implement plans of action designed to correct deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in organizational systems | NIST 800-171 control 3.12.2 requires organizations to address security weaknesses by creating plans to fix them. This improves security posture, lowers the risk of attacks, and aids compliance. Specific people are assigned to make these plans, and management checks to see if they're working. The steps to implement this control involve finding weaknesses, creating solutions, assigning resources and deadlines, carrying out the solutions, and checking to see if they worked.


3.12.2 Develop and implement plans of action designed to correct deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in organizational systems

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.12.2 requires organizations to address security weaknesses by creating plans to fix them. This improves security posture, lowers the risk of attacks, and aids compliance. Specific people are assigned to make these plans, and management checks to see if they're working. The steps to implement this control involve finding weaknesses, creating solutions, assigning resources and deadlines, carrying out the solutions, and checking to see if they worked.

The plan of action is a key document in the information security program. Organizations develop plans of action that describe how any unimplemented security requirements will be met and how any planned mitigations will be implemented. Organizations can document the system security plan and plan of action as separate or combined documents and in any chosen format.Federal agencies may consider the submitted system security plans and plans of action as critical inputs to an overall risk management decision to process, store, or transmit CUI on a system hosted by a nonfederal organization and whether it is advisable to pursue an agreement or contract with the nonfederal organization. [NIST CUI] provides supplemental material for Special Publication 800-171 including templates for plans of action.


Reduced risk: By actively addressing weaknesses, organizations can significantly decrease the likelihood of successful cyberattacks and data breaches.

Improved system resilience: Mitigating vulnerabilities strengthens systems, making them more resistant to exploitation attempts.

Compliance: Implementing this control helps organizations meet compliance requirements from various regulations and industry standards.


Senior Management: Approving and allocating resources: They hold the ultimate authority to greenlight financial and personnel resources required to address identified deficiencies. Ensuring timely implementation: They are responsible for establishing clear timelines and holding relevant teams accountable for adhering to them. Monitoring effectiveness: They oversee the entire process and track progress to ensure implemented actions effectively address the vulnerabilities and mitigate risks.

IT Security Team: Identifying and documenting vulnerabilities: They play a critical role in proactively scanning systems, identifying weaknesses, and meticulously documenting their nature and severity. Developing and recommending corrective actions: They leverage their expertise to propose appropriate solutions or mitigation strategies to address the discovered vulnerabilities. Tracking and reporting: They maintain a log of identified vulnerabilities, implemented actions, and their effectiveness, providing regular reports to senior management.

System Owners: Implementing corrective actions: They are responsible for carrying out the approved corrective actions specific to their systems, ensuring proper execution and adherence to guidelines. Testing and validating: They conduct thorough testing to verify that the implemented solutions effectively address the vulnerabilities and don't introduce new issues. Maintaining documentation: They keep detailed records of the implemented corrective actions, including testing results and any modifications made, for future reference and audit purposes.

Individual Users: Reporting vulnerabilities: They are encouraged to report any suspected irregularities or potential weaknesses they encounter while using organizational systems. Following security procedures: They are responsible for adhering to established security protocols and best practices to minimize the risk of exploitation by vulnerabilities. Completing security awareness training: They must participate in mandatory security awareness programs to stay informed about potential threats and best practices for secure system usage.


Identify deficiencies and vulnerabilities: Regularly conduct security assessments (e.g., penetration testing, vulnerability scanning) to discover weaknesses.

Prioritize: Evaluate the severity and exploitability of identified issues to determine which require immediate attention.

Develop action plans: Define clear and concise steps to address each issue, including timelines, resource allocation, and responsible individuals.

Implement and monitor: Execute the action plans, track progress, and monitor the effectiveness of implemented solutions.

Review and update: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented solutions and update plans and controls as needed.

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About "3.12.2 Develop and implem...stems" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Security Assessment (AC 3.12)
Type:Basic Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #BasicSecurityRequirements

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