

3.9.1 Screen individuals prior to authorizing access to organizational systems containing CUI | NIST 800-171 control 3.9.1 requires organizations to screen individuals before granting access to systems containing Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). This reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data and ensures individuals have the necessary qualifications. Organizations are accountable for implementing effective screening procedures, while individuals are responsible for truthful disclosure during the process. Screening may involve background checks, verifying immigration status, obtaining security clearances, and providing security awareness training.


3.9.1 Screen individuals prior to authorizing access to organizational systems containing CUI

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.9.1 requires organizations to screen individuals before granting access to systems containing Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). This reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data and ensures individuals have the necessary qualifications. Organizations are accountable for implementing effective screening procedures, while individuals are responsible for truthful disclosure during the process. Screening may involve background checks, verifying immigration status, obtaining security clearances, and providing security awareness training.

Personnel security screening (vetting) activities involve the evaluation/assessment of individual’s conduct, integrity, judgment, loyalty, reliability, and stability (i.e., the trustworthiness of the individual) prior to authorizing access to organizational systems containing CUI. The screening activities reflect applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, and specific criteria established for the level of access required for assigned positions.


Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: Screening helps identify individuals who may pose a threat to CUI, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure.

Enhanced Compliance: Implementing this control demonstrates adherence to NIST 800-171, a requirement for organizations handling CUI and a key element of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) for defense contractors.

Improved Security Posture: By ensuring only trustworthy individuals access CUI systems, organizations strengthen their overall security posture and build stakeholder confidence.


Senior Management: Sets clear policy: Define screening procedures, access levels, and consequences for non-compliance. Allocate resources: Provide proper funding and personnel for effective screening programs. Monitor compliance: Conduct periodic reviews to ensure adherence to the control.

IT Security Team: Develop and implement screening procedures: Establish a process for evaluating individuals based on defined criteria. Maintain screening records: Securely store and manage individual screening documentation. Collaborate with system owners: Provide guidance and support for access authorization decisions.

System Owners: Identify access needs: Determine appropriate access levels for specific systems and roles. Recommend access requests: Submit requests for individuals requiring access to their systems. Review user activity: Monitor system usage and report any suspicious behavior.

Individual Users: Complete required screenings: Participate honestly and accurately in the screening process. Maintain data security: Use CUI responsibly and adhere to all security policies. Report suspicious activity: Immediately report any potential security breaches or vulnerabilities.


Develop Screening Policy: Define the types of checks required based on the sensitivity of CUI and access level needed. This may include background investigations, reference checks, and fingerprinting.

Establish Screening Process: Designate a team for conducting screenings and maintaining records. Integrate screening with the onboarding process for new hires and periodically review access for existing personnel.

Utilize Available Resources: Leverage government resources and existing personnel security programs when possible. Partner with trusted background screening companies for efficient and compliant execution.

Ongoing Training and Awareness: Educate employees on the importance of CUI protection and the screening process. Foster a culture of security where individuals understand their responsibility in safeguarding sensitive information.

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About "3.9.1 Screen individuals...g CUI" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Personnel Security (AC 3.9)
Type:Basic Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #BasicSecurityRequirements

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