

3.11.3 Remediate vulnerabilities in accordance with risk assessments | NIST 800-171 control 3.11.3 emphasizes prioritizing and addressing security weaknesses based on their potential impact. This risk-based approach ensures efficient resource allocation, focusing on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat to your Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). By implementing a documented vulnerability management program, organizations can demonstrate accountability and improve their overall security posture.

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3.11.3 Remediate vulnerabilities in accordance with risk assessments

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.11.3 emphasizes prioritizing and addressing security weaknesses based on their potential impact. This risk-based approach ensures efficient resource allocation, focusing on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threat to your Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). By implementing a documented vulnerability management program, organizations can demonstrate accountability and improve their overall security posture.

Vulnerabilities discovered, for example, via the scanning conducted in response to 3.11.2, are remediated with consideration of the related assessment of risk. The consideration of risk influences the prioritization of remediation efforts and the level of effort to be expended in the remediation for specific vulnerabilities.


Prioritized Vulnerability Remediation: This control ensures you don't waste resources fixing every vulnerability. By considering risk assessments, you prioritize addressing critical issues that pose the greatest threat to your Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). This focuses efforts on areas with the biggest impact on security.

Cost-Effectiveness: Not all vulnerabilities require immediate, expensive solutions. This control allows you to explore alternative options like workarounds or risk mitigation strategies for lower-risk vulnerabilities, saving resources for critical issues.


Senior Management: Establish security policies and procedures: They define the organization's security posture and expectations for vulnerability management. Allocate resources: They ensure adequate budget, personnel, and tools are available for the IT security team and system owners to fulfill their responsibilities. Hold the IT security team accountable: They oversee the team's performance in identifying, assessing, and remediating vulnerabilities.

IT Security Team: Identify vulnerabilities: They leverage vulnerability scanning tools and manual techniques to discover weaknesses in systems and applications. Assess risks: They analyze the potential impact (confidentiality, integrity, availability) of identified vulnerabilities on organizational assets. Prioritize remediation efforts: They prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity, exploitability, and potential impact, considering the risk assessments. Implement corrective actions: They work with system owners to implement security patches, configuration changes, or other measures to mitigate vulnerabilities.

System Owners: Understand system vulnerabilities: They possess a deep understanding of their assigned systems' vulnerabilities and associated risks. Participate in risk assessments: They collaborate with the IT security team to provide insights and context during risk assessments. Implement security controls: They are responsible for implementing and maintaining security controls recommended by the IT security team to mitigate vulnerabilities within their systems.

Individual Users: Report suspicious activity: They are vigilant and report any suspicious activity or potential security incidents to the IT security team. Use strong passwords and follow security policies: They choose strong passwords and adhere to established security policies to minimize the risk of exploitation.


Establish a Risk Assessment Process: Define a process to regularly assess the risk associated with your CUI, assets, and operations. This will identify potential threats and their severity.

Vulnerability Scanning: Implement regular vulnerability scans to identify potential weaknesses in your systems and applications.

Prioritization: Combine the findings from risk assessments and vulnerability scans to prioritize vulnerabilities based on their risk level.

Remediation Planning: Develop a plan for addressing each vulnerability, considering available resources, potential impact, and feasibility of remediation options.

Documentation: Document the entire process, including risk assessments, vulnerability findings, prioritization decisions, and chosen remediation actions.

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About "3.11.3 Remediate vulnerab...ments" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Risk Assessment (AC 3.11)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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