

3.14.4 Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available | NIST 800-171 control 3.14.4 requires keeping anti-virus and other malware protection mechanisms up-to-date. This bolsters system security by ensuring defenses recognize the latest threats. Organizations are accountable for implementing this through automated updates or regular manual checks. By staying updated, organizations reduce the risk of malware compromising their systems and data.


3.14.4 Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-03
NIST 800-171 control 3.14.4 requires keeping anti-virus and other malware protection mechanisms up-to-date. This bolsters system security by ensuring defenses recognize the latest threats. Organizations are accountable for implementing this through automated updates or regular manual checks. By staying updated, organizations reduce the risk of malware compromising their systems and data.

Malicious code protection mechanisms include anti-virus signature definitions and reputationbased technologies. A variety of technologies and methods exist to limit or eliminate the effects of malicious code. Pervasive configuration management and comprehensive software integrity controls may be effective in preventing execution of unauthorized code. In addition to commercial off-the-shelf software, malicious code may also be present in custom-built software. This could include logic bombs, back doors, and other types of cyber-attacks that could affect organizational missions/business functions. Traditional malicious code protection mechanisms cannot always detect such code. In these situations, organizations rely instead on other safeguards including secure coding practices, configuration management and control, trusted procurement processes, and monitoring practices to help ensure that software does not perform functions other than the functions intended.


Reduced Risk of Infection: Keeping malicious code protection mechanisms updated ensures they can detect and block the latest threats, minimizing the risk of malware compromising systems and causing data breaches or disruptions.

Improved Security Posture: Regularly updated protection demonstrates a proactive approach to cybersecurity, enhancing the organization's overall security posture and building trust with stakeholders.

Enhanced Detection Capabilities: New releases often include improvements to detection capabilities, allowing the system to identify and address emerging threats more effectively.


Senior Management: Establish and enforce policies and procedures: Senior management sets the overall direction by creating and enforcing clear policies and procedures mandating timely updates for malicious code protection mechanisms. This ensures all involved parties understand their roles and the organization's commitment to cybersecurity.

IT Security Team: Identify, acquire, and test new releases: The IT security team actively seeks out, obtains, and rigorously tests new releases of malicious code protection software. This involves staying informed about emerging threats, evaluating new versions for compatibility and effectiveness, and ensuring they don't introduce vulnerabilities.

System Owners: Coordinate with the IT security team: System owners, responsible for specific systems or applications, collaborate with the IT security team to ensure timely updates are applied to their assigned systems. This might involve scheduling updates during maintenance windows, mitigating compatibility issues, and reporting any update-related problems.

Individual Users: Report suspected outdated mechanisms: While not directly responsible for updates, individual users play a crucial role in identifying potential issues. They should report any concerns about outdated malicious code protection mechanisms to the IT security team. This vigilance can help identify and address gaps in the organization's overall security posture.


Automated Updates: Configure most anti-malware software for automatic updates. Regularly check for manual updates if automatic options aren't available.

Scheduling Updates: Schedule updates outside peak working hours to minimize disruption. Conduct thorough testing after significant updates to ensure compatibility with existing systems.

Centralized Management: Implement centralized management systems for large deployments to simplify update processes and ensure consistent protection across all devices.

Awareness & Training: Educate users on the importance of keeping software updated, including personal devices used for accessing organizational resources.

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About "3.14.4 Update malicious c...lable" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:System and Information Integrity (AC 3.14)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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