

3.14.5 Perform periodic scans of organizational systems and real-time scans of files from external sources as files are downloaded, opened, or executed | NIST 800-171 control 3.14.5 mandates regular system scans and real-time checks on downloaded, opened, or executed files. This proactively detects and prevents threats like malware, improving overall system security. System administrators are responsible for implementing and maintaining these scans, while users should only download from trusted sources and avoid suspicious files. Implementing this control involves using security tools with scanning capabilities, configuring scan schedules and file types, and reviewing results to address identified threats.


3.14.5 Perform periodic scans of organizational systems and real-time scans of files from external sources as files are downloaded, opened, or executed

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-03
NIST 800-171 control 3.14.5 mandates regular system scans and real-time checks on downloaded, opened, or executed files. This proactively detects and prevents threats like malware, improving overall system security. System administrators are responsible for implementing and maintaining these scans, while users should only download from trusted sources and avoid suspicious files. Implementing this control involves using security tools with scanning capabilities, configuring scan schedules and file types, and reviewing results to address identified threats.

Periodic scans of organizational systems and real-time scans of files from external sources can detect malicious code. Malicious code can be encoded in various formats (e.g., UUENCODE, Unicode), contained within compressed or hidden files, or hidden in files using techniques such as steganography. Malicious code can be inserted into systems in a variety of ways including web accesses, electronic mail, electronic mail attachments, and portable storage devices. Malicious code insertions occur through the exploitation of system vulnerabilities.


Enhanced Malware Detection: Regular scans and real-time checks identify malicious code hidden within files from external sources before they can infiltrate systems. This reduces the risk of data breaches, system disruptions, and financial losses.

Improved System Uptime: Early detection of malware prevents it from compromising systems, leading to fewer system crashes and downtime, ensuring critical operations run smoothly.

Proactive Security Posture: Implementing this control demonstrates a proactive approach to security, fostering trust with stakeholders and potentially reducing insurance premiums.


Senior Management: Overall Security Strategy: They are accountable for establishing and funding a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that includes implementing and maintaining control 3.14.5. Resource Allocation: They are responsible for allocating adequate resources for security tools, training, and personnel to implement this control effectively. Performance Monitoring: They oversee the performance of the security program, including reviewing security reports and taking corrective actions as needed.

IT Security Team: Technical Implementation: They are responsible for selecting, implementing, and maintaining the technology needed for periodic and real-time scans. Policy Development and Enforcement: They develop and enforce policies and procedures for security scanning, including defining appropriate scan schedules and responding to identified threats. Security Awareness Training: They participate in developing and delivering security awareness training programs that educate users about the importance of control 3.14.5.

System Owners: System Security Configuration: They are accountable for ensuring their systems are configured securely and comply with organization-wide cybersecurity policies. Vulnerability Remediation: They are responsible for promptly addressing vulnerabilities identified through scans and taking corrective actions to mitigate risks. Reporting: They collaborate with the security team to report security incidents and potential threats discovered through the scans.

Individual Users: Safe Download Practices: Users are accountable for practicing safe download practices by avoiding untrusted sources and exercising caution with attachments and external links. Reporting Suspicious Activity: They are responsible for reporting any suspicious activity or potential threats encountered while using organizational systems. Compliance with Security Policies: They must comply with established security policies and procedures, including reporting suspicious emails and avoiding unauthorized software installations.


Periodic Scans: Schedule regular scans of all organizational systems using reputable antivirus and anti-malware software. Update the software and virus definitions regularly to ensure comprehensive protection.

Real-time Scanning: Implement real-time file scanning solutions that automatically scan downloaded, opened, and executed files for malicious content. These solutions can be integrated with email gateways, web browsers, and endpoint security software.

Policies and Procedures: Establish clear policies and procedures outlining how to handle potential threats identified by scans, including quarantine procedures, incident response protocols, and reporting requirements.

Training: Train employees on cybersecurity best practices, including recognizing suspicious emails, avoiding unsafe downloads, and reporting potential threats promptly.

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About "3.14.5 Perform periodic s...cuted" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:System and Information Integrity (AC 3.14)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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