

3.8.9 Protect the confidentiality of backup CUI at storage locations | NIST 800-171 control 3.8.9 safeguards sensitive government data (CUI) in backups by requiring encryption or secure storage locations. This protects confidentiality and prevents unauthorized access. Organizations are accountable for implementing these measures, which can involve encrypting backups, using physically secure locations, and limiting access. Implementing this control strengthens data security and helps organizations comply with CUI protection requirements.


3.8.9 Protect the confidentiality of backup CUI at storage locations

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.8.9 safeguards sensitive government data (CUI) in backups by requiring encryption or secure storage locations. This protects confidentiality and prevents unauthorized access. Organizations are accountable for implementing these measures, which can involve encrypting backups, using physically secure locations, and limiting access. Implementing this control strengthens data security and helps organizations comply with CUI protection requirements.

Organizations can employ cryptographic mechanisms or alternative physical controls to protect the confidentiality of backup information at designated storage locations. Backed-up information containing CUI may include system-level information and user-level information. System-level information includes system-state information, operating system software, application software, and licenses. User-level information includes information other than system-level information.


Enhanced CUI protection: By encrypting or using alternative physical controls, unauthorized individuals are prevented from accessing sensitive CUI, even if they gain access to the storage location. This minimizes the risk of data breaches and information leaks.

Compliance with regulations: Organizations that handle CUI are obligated by federal regulations to uphold specific security standards. Implementing this control helps ensure adherence to these requirements.

Improved security posture: Effectively securing CUI backups strengthens an organization's overall cybersecurity posture, demonstrating a commitment to protecting sensitive information.


Senior Management: Define policies and procedures: Establish clear guidelines for secure backup practices, including encryption, access controls, and physical security measures. Allocate resources: Ensure adequate funding and staffing for implementing and maintaining secure backup solutions. Oversee compliance: Monitor adherence to established policies and conduct regular audits to identify and address any gaps.

IT Security Team: Implement technical controls: Select and implement encryption algorithms, access control mechanisms, and other technical safeguards for backup storage. Conduct security assessments: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of control measures and identify potential vulnerabilities. Educate users: Train personnel on secure backup practices and their roles in safeguarding CUI.

System Owners: Identify CUI: Understand which systems and data contain CUI and ensure their inclusion in backup procedures. Review backup configurations: Collaborate with the security team to ensure backups meet CUI confidentiality requirements. Report suspicious activity: Promptly report any suspected unauthorized access or security incidents related to CUI backups.

Individual Users: Follow security protocols: Adhere to established guidelines for handling CUI and report any observed security concerns relating to backups. Beware of phishing attempts: Be cautious about clicking links or opening attachments in emails claiming to be from backup services, as they may be phishing attempts. Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA): Implement these measures to further enhance the security of access to backup systems.


Encryption: Encrypting CUI backups at rest using robust algorithms and key management practices is a primary approach. This renders the data unreadable without the proper decryption key.

Secure storage locations: CUI backups should be stored in physically secure locations with restricted access controls, such as locked facilities or access card-controlled data centers.

Access controls: Implementing granular access controls limits access to CUI backups to authorized personnel only. This can involve multi-factor authentication and permission-based access systems.

Monitoring and auditing: Regularly monitoring and auditing CUI backup storage locations for suspicious activity helps identify and address potential security breaches promptly.

Security awareness training: Educating personnel who handle CUI on the significance of protecting backups through security awareness training programs fosters a culture of security within the organization.

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About "3.8.9 Protect the confide...tions" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Media Protection (AC 3.8)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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