

3.8.8 Prohibit the use of portable storage devices when such devices have no identifiable owner | NIST 800-171 control 3.8.8 helps organizations by preventing unauthorized data transfer and potential security breaches through prohibiting the use of portable storage devices without identifiable owners. Organizations are responsible for implementing this control through policies, procedures, and training. To implement, organizations can identify and track devices, restrict their use, and encrypt sensitive data.


3.8.8 Prohibit the use of portable storage devices when such devices have no identifiable owner

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.8.8 helps organizations by preventing unauthorized data transfer and potential security breaches through prohibiting the use of portable storage devices without identifiable owners. Organizations are responsible for implementing this control through policies, procedures, and training. To implement, organizations can identify and track devices, restrict their use, and encrypt sensitive data.

Requiring identifiable owners (e.g., individuals, organizations, or projects) for portable storage devices reduces the overall risk of using such technologies by allowing organizations to assign responsibility and accountability for addressing known vulnerabilities in the devices (e.g., insertion of malicious code).


Reduced Risk of Malware: Unknown devices can harbor malware, potentially infecting systems upon connection. Identifying owners enables tracing the device's origin and assessing potential risks.

Enhanced Accountability: With ownership established, individuals can be held accountable for the secure use and content of the device, fostering responsible data handling practices.

Improved Incident Response: Identifying the owner facilitates faster and more targeted response in case of security incidents involving the device.


Senior Management: Sets the tone: Establishes security policies and allocates resources to implement control 3.8.8, emphasizing the importance of data protection. Oversees implementation: Ensures the IT security team and system owners have the necessary training and resources to enforce the control effectively. Monitors compliance: Regularly reviews reports and audits to ensure adherence to the control and takes corrective action as needed.

IT Security Team: Develops and implements procedures: Creates clear guidelines for identifying and managing portable storage devices, including registration processes and consequences for non-compliance. Provides training and awareness: Educates users on the policy, identification methods, and potential risks associated with unidentified devices. Monitors and enforces security measures: Tracks and audits device usage, investigating suspicious activity and enforcing policies when necessary.

System Owners: Identify and manage devices used in their systems: Ensures all portable storage devices used within their system are properly registered and owned by authorized individuals. Implement technical controls: May implement technology-based solutions to restrict access to unidentified devices, such as port blocking or device whitelisting. Report non-compliance: Notify relevant authorities of any instances of users attempting to use unidentified portable storage devices.

Individual Users: Comply with policies and procedures: Understand their responsibility to use only authorized and registered devices. Report lost or missing devices: Immediately notify IT security of any lost or missing devices to minimize potential security risks. Refrain from using unidentified devices: Avoid connecting any portable storage device they cannot personally identify the owner of.


Policy Development: Establishing a clear policy outlining the prohibition on using unidentified devices and outlining acceptable usage guidelines for authorized devices.

User Awareness: Educating employees about the risks and the policy, emphasizing the importance of verifying ownership and obtaining proper approvals before using portable storage.

Physical Controls: Implementing measures like port blocking or requiring device registration to physically restrict or track the use of unidentified devices.

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About "3.8.8 Prohibit the use of...owner" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Media Protection (AC 3.8)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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