

3.8.5 Control access to media containing CUI and maintain accountability for media during transport outside of controlled areas | NIST 800-171 Control 3.8.5 safeguards sensitive information (CUI) on removable media during transport. It ensures only authorized users can access the CUI and tracks the media's movement to prevent loss or theft. This improves security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access and allows for faster response if something goes wrong. To implement this, classify the media, encrypt it or use strong passwords, track its movement, and have procedures for reporting missing media.


3.8.5 Control access to media containing CUI and maintain accountability for media during transport outside of controlled areas

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 Control 3.8.5 safeguards sensitive information (CUI) on removable media during transport. It ensures only authorized users can access the CUI and tracks the media's movement to prevent loss or theft. This improves security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access and allows for faster response if something goes wrong. To implement this, classify the media, encrypt it or use strong passwords, track its movement, and have procedures for reporting missing media.

Controlled areas are areas or spaces for which organizations provide physical or procedural controls to meet the requirements established for protecting systems and information. Controls to maintain accountability for media during transport include locked containers and cryptography. Cryptographic mechanisms can provide confidentiality and integrity protections depending upon the mechanisms used. Activities associated with transport include the actual transport as well as those activities such as releasing media for transport and ensuring that media enters the appropriate transport processes. For the actual transport, authorized transport and courier personnel may include individuals external to the organization. Maintaining accountability of media during transport includes restricting transport activities to authorized personnel and tracking and obtaining explicit records of transport activities as the media moves through the transportation system to prevent and detect loss, destruction, or tampering.


Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: By controlling access and tracking CUI media, you minimize unauthorized access and potential leaks.

Improved Detection and Response: Knowing CUI location allows for faster response to loss or theft, reducing damage.

Regulatory Compliance: Implementing this control helps meet requirements for organizations handling CUI.


Senior Management: Set the security tone, ensuring policies and procedures for secure CUI transport are established, resourced, and enforced. This includes approving secure transport methods and conducting risk assessments.

IT Security Team: Develop and implement the technical safeguards. This involves encryption for digital media, approving secure containers for physical media, and maintaining a log to track CUI movement.

System Owners: Identify CUI stored on their systems and ensure users understand transport protocols. They also participate in risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities specific to their systems.

Individual Users: Responsible for following established procedures. This includes obtaining authorization for CUI transport, using approved methods, and maintaining a chain of custody through documented handoffs.


Define Controlled Areas: Clearly designate areas with enhanced physical or procedural security for CUI systems and media.

Limit Access: Restrict access to CUI media to authorized personnel only. This may involve background checks and training.

Secure Transport: Use locked, tamper-evident containers or encrypt the media for confidentiality.

Track Movement: Establish a chain of custody. Log CUI media transfers, including origin, destination, recipient, and timestamps.

Authorized Couriers: Use trusted couriers for internal or external transport. Consider requiring signed receipts upon delivery.

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About "3.8.5 Control access to m...areas" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Media Protection (AC 3.8)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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