

3.10.5 Control and manage physical access devices | NIST 800-171 control 3.10.5 focuses on managing physical access devices like keys, key cards, and badges. It benefits by protecting sensitive information and systems from unauthorized access and reducing physical security breaches. It improves accountability by requiring procedures for issuing and controlling these devices. Implementing this control involves developing procedures, granting access only to authorized individuals, and regularly monitoring the system.


3.10.5 Control and manage physical access devices

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.10.5 focuses on managing physical access devices like keys, key cards, and badges. It benefits by protecting sensitive information and systems from unauthorized access and reducing physical security breaches. It improves accountability by requiring procedures for issuing and controlling these devices. Implementing this control involves developing procedures, granting access only to authorized individuals, and regularly monitoring the system.

Physical access devices include keys, locks, combinations, and card readers.


Reduced Risk of Unauthorized Access: Implementing proper controls over physical access devices like keys, key cards, and codes significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized individuals gaining access to sensitive information and equipment. This can prevent data breaches, theft, and sabotage.

Improved Accountability: By tracking who has access to which physical areas and devices, organizations can hold individuals accountable for their actions and identify potential security breaches more easily.

Enhanced Compliance: Implementing this control helps organizations meet various regulatory requirements, including those outlined in NIST 800-171 and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) framework.


Senior Management: Sets the security tone: Establish clear policies and allocate resources for effective physical access control. Approves access requests: Review and approve requests for physical access based on the principle of least privilege. Provides oversight: Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of physical access control measures.

IT Security Team: Develops and implements procedures: Establish detailed procedures for managing physical access devices, including issuance, return, and access revocation. Maintains the access control system: Ensure the proper functioning and security of the physical access control system (e.g., key cards, access codes). Provides guidance and support: Offer training and guidance to users on proper access control practices.

System Owners: Identify access needs: Determine the appropriate level of physical access required for their systems and data. Recommend access controls: Recommend specific access control measures based on the sensitivity of the systems and data they manage. Monitor access logs: Regularly review access logs to identify suspicious activity and potential unauthorized access.

Individual Users: Comply with access control policies: Understand and adhere to established policies and procedures for physical access control. Report suspicious activity: Immediately report any lost, stolen, or compromised access devices, as well as any observed suspicious activity related to physical access. Secure access devices: Take responsibility for the safekeeping of their assigned access devices (e.g., key cards, badges).


Develop a Policy: Establish a clear policy outlining procedures for issuing, managing, and revoking physical access devices. This policy should define roles and responsibilities, access levels, and procedures for lost or stolen devices.

Inventory and Categorize Devices: Create a comprehensive inventory of all physical access devices, including their type, location, and assigned personnel. Categorize devices based on the level of access they grant.

Implement Access Controls: Utilize access control systems like keyless entry, ID scanners, or security cameras to restrict access to sensitive areas and equipment.

Regular Reviews and Audits: Conduct periodic reviews and audits of physical access procedures to ensure they are effective and address any vulnerabilities. Train personnel on the policy and procedures for handling physical access devices.

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About "3.10.5 Control and manage...vices" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Physical Protection (AC 3.10)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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