

3.10.3 Escort visitors and monitor visitor activity | NIST 800-171 control 3.10.3 aims to safeguard sensitive information by requiring visitors to be escorted and their activity monitored. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access, theft, or damage to assets. Organizations are responsible for implementing this control, while visitors must comply with security policies. Implementing this control involves developing an escort policy, training staff, and tracking visitor activity through logs and badges.


3.10.3 Escort visitors and monitor visitor activity

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-02
NIST 800-171 control 3.10.3 aims to safeguard sensitive information by requiring visitors to be escorted and their activity monitored. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access, theft, or damage to assets. Organizations are responsible for implementing this control, while visitors must comply with security policies. Implementing this control involves developing an escort policy, training staff, and tracking visitor activity through logs and badges.

Individuals with permanent physical access authorization credentials are not considered visitors. Audit logs can be used to monitor visitor activity.


Enhanced physical security: By ensuring unauthorized individuals are never alone in sensitive areas, the risk of theft, unauthorized access, or damage to equipment or information is reduced.

Reduced risk of security breaches: Monitoring visitor activity helps identify suspicious behavior and potential insider threats.

Improved accountability: Tracking visitor movements and access to controlled areas creates a record of who was where and when, aiding in incident response and investigations.

Deterrence of insider threats: A robust visitor escort and monitoring program demonstrates the organization's commitment to security, potentially discouraging malicious activities by employees or contractors.


Senior Management: Establishing and enforcing policies and procedures: They are responsible for creating clear guidelines regarding visitor escorting, access restrictions, and activity monitoring. This includes defining authorized visitor types, areas requiring escorts, and acceptable visitor behavior within the facility. Providing resources: They ensure sufficient resources are allocated to implement and maintain the visitor escort and monitoring program. This could involve hiring security personnel, acquiring visitor management technology, or allocating budget for training programs.

IT Security Team: Developing and implementing controls: This team translates senior management's policies into practical measures. They design protocols for visitor registration, badge issuance, access control, and activity logging. Additionally, they configure security systems and train designated personnel on visitor escort procedures. Monitoring and auditing visitor activity: The IT security team is responsible for monitoring access logs, identifying suspicious behavior, and investigating potential security breaches. They also ensure the integrity and accuracy of audit trails for regulatory compliance purposes.

System Owners: Identifying and classifying information systems: They are accountable for identifying and classifying organizational systems that contain CUI or require specific access controls. This helps determine the level of visitor monitoring and escorting necessary for each system or area. Reporting security incidents: System owners are responsible for promptly reporting any suspicious visitor activity or security incidents related to their systems to the IT security team.

Individual Users: Following security protocols: All personnel, including non-management employees, are responsible for adhering to established visitor escorting and monitoring procedures. This includes being aware of their surroundings, reporting unauthorized access attempts, and immediately notifying security personnel of any suspicious visitor behavior.


Develop a visitor escort policy: This policy should define which areas require escorts, who is responsible for escorting visitors, and the required procedures.

Train staff: Train relevant personnel on the visitor escort policy, including proper identification procedures and how to handle suspicious behavior.
Implement a visitor badge system: Issue temporary badges to visitors and track their movements throughout the facility.

Monitor visitor activity: Utilize security cameras, access control systems, and other measures to monitor visitor movements in sensitive areas.

Conduct regular audits: Regularly assess the effectiveness of the visitor escort and monitoring program and make adjustments as needed.

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About "3.10.3 Escort visitors an...ivity" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Physical Protection (AC 3.10)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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