

3.1.16 Authorize wireless access prior to allowing such connections | NIST 800-171 control 3.1.16 safeguards against unauthorized devices joining the network by requiring authorization before granting access. This reduces the risk of security breaches. System administrators are responsible for enforcing this control. Implementing strong authentication methods like 802.1X and monitoring network activity for suspicious connections helps achieve this control objective.

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3.1.16 Authorize wireless access prior to allowing such connections

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-02-28
NIST 800-171 control 3.1.16 safeguards against unauthorized devices joining the network by requiring authorization before granting access. This reduces the risk of security breaches. System administrators are responsible for enforcing this control. Implementing strong authentication methods like 802.1X and monitoring network activity for suspicious connections helps achieve this control objective.

Establishing usage restrictions and configuration/connection requirements for wireless access to the system provides criteria for organizations to support wireless access authorization decisions. Such restrictions and requirements reduce the susceptibility to unauthorized access to the system through wireless technologies. Wireless networks use authentication protocols which provide credential protection and mutual authentication.[SP 800-97] provide guidance on secure wireless networks.


Reduced Risk of Unauthorized Access: By requiring authorization before granting access, organizations significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized devices connecting to their network. This prevents attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in unapproved devices to gain access to sensitive information.

Enhanced Network Visibility and Control: Authorized access allows organizations to track connected devices, identify users, and enforce access control policies. This provides valuable insights into network activity and enables proactive measures to mitigate security threats.

Improved Compliance: Implementing control 3.1.16 helps organizations comply with various regulations and frameworks that mandate secure wireless access, such as NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA).


Senior Management: Sets the tone: Establishes policies and procedures for secure wireless access, emphasizing the importance of control and compliance. Provides resources: Allocates necessary resources for implementing and maintaining secure wireless access controls. Oversees implementation: Ensures the IT security team and system owners implement the controls effectively.

IT Security Team: Develops and implements technical controls: Configures wireless networks with strong authentication and encryption protocols, implements access control mechanisms like whitelisting, and monitors for unauthorized access attempts. Provides guidance and training: Educates system owners and users on secure wireless access practices and procedures. Audits and reports: Regularly reviews and audits wireless security configurations, reports findings to senior management, and recommends improvements.

System Owners: Identifies authorized users and devices: Defines legitimate users and devices requiring wireless access. Enforces usage restrictions: Implements controls to restrict unauthorized access based on user roles and device types. Manages system configurations: Ensures wireless network configurations comply with security policies and procedures.

Individual Users: Uses authorized devices: Connects only authorized devices to the network for work purposes. Complies with security policies: Follows established guidelines for secure wireless usage, such as using strong passwords and avoiding public Wi-Fi for sensitive tasks. Reports suspicious activity: Notifies IT security of any suspicious activity or potential breaches involving wireless access.


Develop an Access Authorization Policy: Define the criteria for device eligibility (e.g., type, operating system, security features), user authorization process, and roles and responsibilities for authorization decisions.

Implement Network Access Control (NAC) Systems: These systems automatically enforce access control policies by identifying and authenticating devices before granting network access.

Configure Secure Authentication Protocols: Utilize strong authentication protocols like WPA3 with 802.1X for secure user and device verification.

Maintain an Inventory of Authorized Devices: Regularly update and manage a list of authorized devices to identify and remove unauthorized connections promptly.

Conduct Security Awareness Training: Educate users about the importance of wireless security policies, proper device configuration, and the risks associated with unauthorized access.

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About "3.1.16 Authorize wireless...tions" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Access Control (AC 3.1)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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