

3.1.8 Limit unsuccessful logon attempts | NIST 800-171 control 3.1.8 helps thwart hackers by limiting login attempts. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your systems and data. System administrators are responsible for setting it up. Implementation involves configuring systems to lock accounts after a set number of failed attempts and monitoring login activity for suspicious behavior.

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3.1.8 Limit unsuccessful logon attempts

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-02-27
NIST 800-171 control 3.1.8 helps thwart hackers by limiting login attempts. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your systems and data. System administrators are responsible for setting it up. Implementation involves configuring systems to lock accounts after a set number of failed attempts and monitoring login activity for suspicious behavior.

This requirement applies regardless of whether the logon occurs via a local or network connection. Due to the potential for denial of service, automatic lockouts initiated by systems are, in most cases, temporary and automatically release after a predetermined period established by the organization (i.e., a delay algorithm). If a delay algorithm is selected, organizations may employ different algorithms for different system components based on the capabilities of the respective components. Responses to unsuccessful logon attempts may be implemented at the operating system and application levels.


Reduced Risk of Brute-Force Attacks: Brute-force attacks involve systematically trying numerous password combinations to gain unauthorized access. Limiting unsuccessful attempts significantly hinders these attacks, as exceeding the threshold locks the account, requiring legitimate users to recover access through alternate means.

Enhanced Account Security: By deterring unauthorized access attempts, this control safeguards sensitive data and resources within the system. Limiting login attempts makes it more challenging for attackers to crack passwords and gain access to user accounts or privileged systems.

Improved Detection of Malicious Activity: A surge in failed login attempts from unusual locations or at atypical times can be indicative of malicious activity. Limiting attempts and monitoring such occurrences can help security teams detect and respond to potential breaches or unauthorized access attempts more effectively.

Reduced Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks: Repeated unsuccessful login attempts can overwhelm a system, causing legitimate users to experience service disruptions. Limiting attempts mitigates this risk by preventing attackers from exploiting this tactic to disable access for authorized users.


Senior Management: Establish and enforce policies: Senior management sets the security tone by establishing clear policies mandating the use of strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and limitations on login attempts. Allocate resources: They ensure sufficient resources are allocated to the IT security team to implement and maintain the technical controls effectively. Hold IT security team accountable: They hold the IT security team accountable for upholding these policies and controls.

IT Security Team: Implement technical controls: The IT security team configures systems to limit login attempts and automatically lock accounts after exceeding a predefined threshold. Monitor logs for suspicious activity: They monitor logs for unusual login attempts, such as repeated failures from unexpected locations, and investigate potential security incidents. Respond to incidents: They have a plan to respond to incidents arising from unauthorized login attempts, including containing the breach, remediating vulnerabilities, and reporting the incident.

System Owners: Configure systems according to security policies: System owners are responsible for configuring their systems according to the organization's security policies, including implementing limitations on login attempts. Review logs for unauthorized attempts: They should regularly review system logs to identify and report any unauthorized login attempts.

Individual Users: Choose strong passwords and be mindful of phishing attempts: Users play a crucial role by choosing strong passwords and remaining vigilant against phishing attempts that try to steal their credentials. Report suspicious activity: They should report any suspicious activity, such as unexpected login attempts or difficulty accessing their accounts, to the IT security team.


Threshold Definition: Organizations need to determine the appropriate number of allowed consecutive unsuccessful login attempts before triggering a lockout. This balance between increased security and user inconvenience should be carefully considered.

Lockout Duration: Setting the lockout duration involves finding a balance between security and user experience. While longer durations offer stronger protection, they can also create frustration for legitimate users who accidentally lock their accounts. Offering self-service unlock options or implementing progressive lockout mechanisms (increasing lockout duration with subsequent failures) can help address this concern.

Monitoring and Alerting: Continuously monitoring login attempts and implementing robust alerting mechanisms are crucial. Monitoring identifies unusual activity patterns, while alerts notify security teams of potential breaches or unauthorized access attempts, enabling them to take timely action.

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About "3.1.8 Limit unsuccessful...empts" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:Access Control (AC 3.1)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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