

3.13.16 Protect the confidentiality of CUI at rest | NIST 800-171 control 3.13.16 safeguards sensitive government information (CUI) at rest (stored on devices). This prevents unauthorized access and ensures only authorized individuals can see it. Implementing this control, like encryption, strengthens information security and reduces the risk of breaches. Organizations are accountable for its implementation and face potential consequences for non-compliance.


3.13.16 Protect the confidentiality of CUI at rest

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-03
NIST 800-171 control 3.13.16 safeguards sensitive government information (CUI) at rest (stored on devices). This prevents unauthorized access and ensures only authorized individuals can see it. Implementing this control, like encryption, strengthens information security and reduces the risk of breaches. Organizations are accountable for its implementation and face potential consequences for non-compliance.

Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is not in process or in transit and is located on storage devices as specific components of systems. The focus of protection at rest is not on the type of storage device or the frequency of access but rather the state of the information. Organizations can use different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Organizations may also use other controls including secure off-line storage in lieu of online storage when adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved or continuous monitoring to identify malicious code at rest. See [NIST CRYPTO].


Enhanced Data Security: By safeguarding CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) at rest, organizations significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification. This protects sensitive information and fosters trust with stakeholders and government partners.

Reduced Compliance Risk: Implementing control 3.13.16 demonstrates an organization's commitment to protecting CUI, aligning with regulations like DFARS and CMMC. This reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties and ensures eligibility for government contracts.

Improved Overall Security Posture: Protecting CUI at rest forms a crucial pillar within an organization's overall cybersecurity strategy. It strengthens the foundation for securing other sensitive information and systems, creating a more robust security environment.


Senior Management: Define policies and procedures: Establish clear guidelines regarding CUI protection at rest, ensuring proper encryption, access controls, and disposal practices. Allocate resources: Provide adequate funding and personnel to implement and maintain effective security measures. Oversee security program: Monitor compliance with established security protocols and hold individuals accountable for adherence.

IT Security Team: Implement controls: Enforce cryptographic solutions, configure access controls, and conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address weaknesses. Maintain security awareness: Train users on secure handling of CUI, including proper encryption practices and reporting suspicious activity. Monitor and respond: Continuously monitor systems for unauthorized access attempts and promptly address security incidents.

System Owners: Identify CUI: Designate and document all CUI within their systems for proper protection implementation. Enforce access controls: Implement appropriate access restrictions based on the "need-to-know" principle. Maintain system integrity: Ensure the integrity of systems storing CUI through regular patching and software updates.

Individual Users: Comply with security policies: Adhere to established guidelines for handling CUI, including password management, encryption usage, and reporting potential security breaches. Exercise caution with CUI: Be mindful of sharing CUI and avoid unauthorized access attempts. Report suspicious activity: Promptly notify relevant authorities of any suspected security incidents or unauthorized access attempts.


Encryption: Encrypting CUI at rest using industry-standard algorithms and strong key management practices is the primary approach. This renders the information unreadable by unauthorized individuals even if they gain access to the storage device.

Physical Security: Implementing physical controls like controlled access to storage facilities, secure disposal of media, and monitoring for unauthorized access further protects CUI at rest.

Access Controls: Implementing robust access controls that restrict access to CUI only to authorized personnel based on the principle of least privilege minimizes the potential for unauthorized access.

Continuous Monitoring: Regularly monitoring systems and storage locations for suspicious activity or unauthorized access attempts helps detect and address potential threats promptly.

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About "3.13.16 Protect the confi...rest" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:System and Communications Protection (AC 3.13)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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