

3.13.12 Prohibit remote activation of collaborative computing devices and provide indication of devices in use to users present at the device | NIST 800-171 control 3.13.12 bolsters security by preventing unauthorized remote activation of collaborative devices (like webcams and microphones) and informing users when they're in use. This improves accountability by creating a clear record of device usage. To implement it, configure devices to disallow remote activation and add visual or auditory signals to show when devices are active.


3.13.12 Prohibit remote activation of collaborative computing devices and provide indication of devices in use to users present at the device

By wnoble2005@gmail.com (William Noble) 📅 2024-03-03
NIST 800-171 control 3.13.12 bolsters security by preventing unauthorized remote activation of collaborative devices (like webcams and microphones) and informing users when they're in use. This improves accountability by creating a clear record of device usage. To implement it, configure devices to disallow remote activation and add visual or auditory signals to show when devices are active.

Collaborative computing devices include networked white boards, cameras, and microphones. Indication of use includes signals to users when collaborative computing devices are activated. Dedicated video conferencing systems, which rely on one of the participants calling or connecting to the other party to activate the video conference, are excluded.


Privacy protection: Prevents unauthorized individuals from remotely activating microphones and cameras, reducing the risk of eavesdropping and unwanted surveillance.

Increased awareness: Informs users about device usage, allowing them to control and manage the flow of information during collaboration sessions.

Reduced security risks: Mitigates the potential for unauthorized access to sensitive information captured through collaborative devices like webcams and microphones.


Senior Management: Establishes and enforces policies and procedures: They define clear guidelines prohibiting remote activation and mandating user awareness of device usage.
Allocates resources: They ensure sufficient budget and personnel are available to implement and maintain security controls for collaborative devices.
Provides oversight: They monitor compliance with established policies and hold individuals accountable for adherence.

IT Security Team: Develops and implements technical controls: They configure devices to prevent remote activation and implement technical solutions for user awareness, like indicator lights or on-screen notifications. Monitors and detects suspicious activity: They monitor for unauthorized access attempts or unusual device activity. Responds to incidents: They have a plan to investigate and contain any security incidents involving collaborative devices.

System Owners: Defines and enforces system-specific security requirements: They establish additional security measures specific to the system or network where collaborative devices are used. Manages user access: They grant access to collaborative devices only to authorized individuals and revoke access when necessary. Conducts risk assessments: They regularly evaluate the security risks associated with using collaborative devices and implement appropriate mitigation strategies.

Individual Users: Complies with security policies and procedures: They understand and follow established guidelines on using collaborative devices, including not allowing remote activation. Reports suspicious activity: They report any unusual activity or potential security breaches involving collaborative devices to the IT security team. Uses strong passwords: They create and use strong, unique passwords for accessing collaborative devices.


Identify collaborative devices: Determine which devices fall under this category, including webcams, microphones, and interactive whiteboards.

Disable remote activation: Review device settings and software configurations to disable any remote activation functionalities.

Verify user notification: Ensure the device provides a clear and visible indication (e.g., light or on-screen message) when activated, informing users present.

Address limitations: For devices lacking built-in indicators, consider implementing manual solutions like covering webcams or microphone covers.

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About "3.13.12 Prohibit remote a...evice" 🡃
Category:Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Family:System and Communications Protection (AC 3.13)
Type:Derived Security Requirements
#CybersecurityMaturityModel #DerivedSecurityRequirements

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